Friday, August 2, 2013

Another Busy Day!

Our first order of business after breakfast today was Zeke's medical check at the Chinese International Medical Clinic.  This is required in order to obtain his visa to enter the US.  They did a cursory exterior exam, which went great.  Then we got to the ear and throat check . . . Zeke pretty much went ballistic.  They got what they needed and left us to pick up the pieces.  The boy does NOT like things in his mouth that he hasn't chosen to put there, which is why we haven't attempted the toothbrush yet. :)  The last order of business was drawing blood for a blood test.  They asked us to calm him down (kicking, crying, and yes, scooting on the floor on his back doing all of the above).  Once that happened (Thank you Helen for finding the toy that did the trick!) they took him into a room and closed the door.  We didn't hear any yelling and he didn't come out yelling or crying . . . they must be VERY good at drawing blood from unhappy little ones!

 Chillin' by the Pool
Getting Ready to Swim!
Back to the hotel and Zeke refused to nap so we went to the pool.  FUN TIMES!  Zeke is definitely a water baby!  He was mimicking everything he saw:  kicking, backstroke, etc.  The nap came after our pool fun and then it was time to head to a river cruise down the Pearl River (it runs right down the middle of Guangzhou).  

Swimming with Papa

Canton Tower from
the Deck of the Boat
(The lights changed
color in rainbow swirl
intermixed with
solid colors.)
 On the Boat Deck
We were the ONLY white faces on the boat which made for some entertaining watching of "watchers."  The "watchers" seem to encompass those who do not approve that we have a Chinese child, those who think it is great (big smiles), those who are curious in general, and those who think Zeke is adorable and can't help themselves! ;)  We ate dinner (Fun times with a toddler who is fiercely independent - poor lady with the broom had a large mess of noodles to clean up that missed the mouth!), hung out on the upper deck (Zeke came to enjoy the wind and loved watching the passing buildings and the other people on the boat) and then a clown came in and put on a show.  She was an excellent juggler and was quite taken with Zeke.  As soon as she came in the door she saw him, came over and gave him a balloon (which he is currently playing with as he nods off to sleep), and then came back and helped him spin a ball on his finger.  Seriously!  She was going around the room helping people spin a soccer ball.  Zeke is VERY observant and loves to mimic things he sees people doing with his hands so as she came toward us he put up his little hand palm out and fingers pointed into the air.  She took his hand and put the ball on his finger.  He didn't even flinch . . . . brave little boy!

Zeke Spinning the Ball

It was an eventful evening and it is time to call it a day!  I can't believe Zeke has been with us for five days already.  The time is going fast and every day we learn new things about our little boy.  Loving it!



  1. :) Thanks for the smile this evening!

  2. Every single day the kiddos want to read your blog for their first thing they do in the morning. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us Randy, Robyn and Zeke:) He is a cutie for sure and has an amazing smile that's captivating. We can't wait to meet him!
